06. Student Resources

Student Resources

As you learn more about deep reinforcement learning and progress through this course, you'll likely find a number of outside resources that are useful for supplementing your study.

You can start with the student-curated list of resources at this link. Please contribute to the list, if you find more to add!

## Books to Read

We believe that you learn best when you are exposed to multiple perspectives on the same idea. As such, we recommend checking out the books below to get an added perspective on Deep Reinforcement Learning.

  • Grokking Deep Reinforcement Learning by Miguel Morales. Use our exclusive discount code gdrludacity50 for 50% off. This textbook features numerous examples, illustrations, exercises, and crystal-clear teaching. It is currently under development, but you can sign up to read the chapters as they are written!

  • Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction by Richard S. Sutton and Andrew G. Barto. This book is a classic text with an excellent introduction to reinforcement learning fundamentals.